Query FAQs

Feel free to ask spotimod.com any questions about Spotify Premium features and how it works. Our team will provide answers as soon as possible. Also, check below for the most frequently asked questions from users along with their answers

Cracking sound happened most time when you have slow internet connect, so make sure your network or Wi-Fi have enough speed to play an online music. Also, may you need to turn off data saving mode too. Open Spotify>> Profile>> Setting>> Scroll down to Data Saver and select Off.

It’s happened most with Spotify free plan users because they don’t have audio quality change option. And it’s by default set on internet connection, so if you are using a poor internet then it will load your music as poor quality. And if you are a premium user and using Wi-Fi internet, then you must need to set the Wi-Fi streaming on very high.

If the Spotify app doesn’t open on your Android device but working others devices, then you may need to reboot your device then clear data and Clear Cache of Spotify App. To do it, go to device setting>> Apps>> Spotify>> Click on the clear the data.

For iOS users, thing are different, but it’s also happened with theme too, the most common solution will be to update the app from app store and use the latest version.

Please make sure you don’t have turned on Spotify offline mode. Because most users enable this setting to listen only downloaded songs and podcasts. To make sure, open Spotify app>> Setting>> scroll down, and turn off the Offline mode option.

Error Code 17 in Spotify is a common issue which happened due to installation or updating the app. So make sure you have deleted the old version app fully from your device file and installed the new one with freshly.

Sometimes users report this type of issues, and the best way to solve this issue is make sure you have login with your right account and log out and login again. Also, don’t sing in your account with Facebook if you have purchased the premium account with your email account.

Spotify allow users to play device local music or audio in its app. But if the dragging and dropping option not working on your device, you can still use the setting local music play it’s setting menu. To play local music on Spotify, go to setting>> scroll down>> local files>> turn on files from device option. Now you can play your local music from the app library.

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